
3 Phase Energy Saver


Anyone who is in charge of the electrical or energy bill will certainly find ways and means to bring down the consumption level. RMp’s Energex has the same purpose in mind. Coming up with an energy saver regulator that could bring down the electricity consumption is such a brilliant idea. Not only the household but as well as the various companies who use energy more than anybody else can benefit from this. When you use the Energex regulator aside from energy saving, your appliance will run efficiently because of the regulated energy supply. There will be no chances of electrical over loading or appliance damage due to insufficient electrical supply.

Energex will operate as voltage supplier to your various things that needs energy supply to run. Having the Power Factor Correction Device as its main component, it is capable of suppressing the power surge. This will prevent over heating of electrical wires putting our minds at ease from possible fire due to wiring bursts. Listed below are the attributes of Energex Regulator for your scrutiny.

Product Features

  • Produce exact electrical supply needed for specific appliance
  • Extends the life span of your appliance due to its regulating capacity
  • Enhances the reliability of your various data stream and technology performance
  • Prolong the life span of electronic lamps and ballasts
  • Prevents unclean power from entering your various digital gadgets
  • Lower percentage chances of lightning or storm hazard to anything that requires outdoor connection
  • Zero percent service charge and maintenance free
  • Passed the RTC certification