Magno Health Drink (3 bottles) is among the salable product of RMP Infotec MLM. It contains extracts from six different natural plant healers. These plants have powerful oxidative damage prevention property. It also provides the body with needed food supplement, thus, naturally a source of body strength. From the massive research and clinical tests done, this is now the result. A very healthy juice drink that is recommended as dietary herbal supplement.
The juices of the 6 natural plant healers that are abundant in the country are the following.
- Mangosteen Juice
- Aloe Vera Juice
- Goji Berry Juice
- Green Tea Extracts
- Grape Seed Extract
- Noni Fruit Juice
All of these combined forming the Magno Health Drink, which gives the following benefits.
- Defense against indigestion problems, thus strengthening the intestinal functions
- Boost the immune system of the body making you more safe from illnesses
- Provides abundant supply of proteins, vitamins and minerals
- Helps in maintaining a healthy eye condition
- Enhances sleeping condition
- Helps the Kidney to function normally in cleansing the body
- Give support for normal liver cells function
- Slow aging process
- Helps with the respiratory system function
- Improves the reproductive system
Daily intake of the juice assures you a stronger body constitution. It will give you an additional strength to go about your daily routines and more.
What is the size of the bottle?
What is the ORAC score?
Are they using the pericarp of the Mangosteen fruit or just a concenrate?
Where is the list of complete ingredients?
The information is rather lacking on this product?
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