Getting yourself a Laptop is the best but getting a good Laptop requires sufficient knowledge. There are various Laptop in the market and most of their specifications are the same. If you want to get the best service out of this gadget, try the RMP HCL Laptop. The price is affordable and realistic. The following specifications are guaranteed to impress your computer sensibility. This edition is fully enhanced and upgraded to support the current software in the market.
Product Specification
- Intel Celeron M440
- 1MB Cache, 1.6 GHz, 533 MHz Fsb
- Loaded with Linux Software
- 512 MBDDR2 RAM ( it is upgradeable up to 2GB)
- 80GB SATA Hard disk drive
- Combo Drive
- 15.4″ WXGA Wide Screen TFT with dimension of 1280 x 800
- Mini PCMCI Express Card Slot
- 10/100 Mbps Ethernet on Board, 56K modem with in built speakers
- 4 USB Ports, 1 RJ 11 Modem, 1 RJ 45 LAN, VGA 1S Video
- External MIC input and external audio output
- Li-on battery for convenience which could support at least 2 hours use
- Carry bag for the unit transportation safety (brand is HCL Leaptop Rexine)
Purchase of the product entitles you to a free Reliance Data Card. There are other rewards available, which you can easily avail once you decide to purchase.
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